Monday, February 8, 2010


This was intended for the front door. However my 4 year old loves it and it now hangs on her door. It was a very inexpensive project and simple to do.

*Styrofoam wreath
*Hot glue
These are what you need to start the project. Cut your strips of fabric as thick or thin as you would like. You could also just use on type of fabric. These were scraps and that is why i used two types.

Start by placing the two pieces of fabric next ot eachother and hot glue them to the wreath form. Then continue to wrap the fabric around the form. I did not cut my original piece of fabric long enough and had to use another set. If this happens just hot glue the start of the fabric down again and continue. Do this till you get to the end of the fabric.

Tie a bow with the excess ribbon at the top of the wreath. I decided to hot glue my fabric so that he bow would stay in the same place.

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