Monday, February 8, 2010


For Valentines Day I wanted to make something special for my daughter and niece. I love the little valentine shirts at the store but wanted something personalized. I decided that I would make my own. I do have a sewing machine, however I am a new to sewing. I wasn't sure if I could handle going around all of the details. My hesitation led me to no sew heat and bond.

*White shirt
*No sew heat and bond
*Templates ( I made my own)

Trace your design onto the heat and bond. I made mine in a word document and printed them out. You can free hand or find any image you like.

Place the images on the fabric paper side up and iron them on. Make sure that your fabric is right side up. Trust me because I made this mistake.

Once they are ironed on the fabric cut out your shapes. This is what mine look like all cut out. Now I am ready to iron them on to the shirts. Just peel off the paper and iron on to the shirt.

Here are the finished projects. I am so proud of them. They really are cute.


  1. Those are super cute, I love the fabric.

  2. Great job- they're cute!

    Thank you so much for stopping by the Talented Tuesday at My Frugal Family link party, and adding this to the page! Don’t forget to stop back next week to see which links from this week are featured, and to add your new links!

  3. You should be proud! They turned out so, so cute! I bet they will love to wear them all week long!

  4. Cute! Stop on by and link up at my Thursday carnival Make it, Wear it!

    Andrea @

  5. sweet i bet they look even cuter on
